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Weight Workout

Weight Workout

Beginners Guide to Weight Workout

Are you a fitness maniac? From regular exercises to trying new and exciting fitness and workout tools – all comes as a part of the joy one feels while exercising. Now, some may be reluctant about practicing an exercise routine. Maybe you have a long day of work and are just too tired, or these's just too much to do around the house.  However, there’s no doubt that we can easily witness many people in our everyday lives who are passionate about their workouts. Some though, still just can’t find enough time to practice their love for exercise through a tough workout routine. So now what? Does that mean you have to end up giving up on your workout? 

Certainly not! With weight training being reliable and medically proven in improving long-term health, it’s an ideal time-saving workout option. So whether you are a full-time housewife or a bank manager, practicing the right workout with weights whether that be something like ISF Dumbbells or ISF Kettlebells, it is always the easy key to a healthy and fit life.  Just a short 20 minute a day at home workout routine can change your life for the better. 

Beginners Weight Workout Guide:

According to a many studies, regular strength training with weights increases muscle mass which in turn can help improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance which in turn helps us feel less lethargic and gives us more energy, and will also help to reduce the chances of becoming Type II diabetic. Not just that, but practicing muscle growth exercises help reduce body fat, and high blood sugars, not to mention that weight lifting also helps reduce the risks of death due to certain cancers.  Even just improving daily life with more energy and more bounce in your step is enough of an immediate reason to start regular weight training exercise, and at ISF we have got you covered with some of the best strength training equipment.  With so many health benefits from weight lifting exercises, muscle-building exercises are undoubtedly a healthy habit. In fact, it is one of the most beneficial exercises for teens and adults (as long as you are lifting weights according to your body’s ability and tendency), and if your child is starting a sports program, now is a great time to grab that ISF Home Gym Package.


But wait! Are you new to such workout practices and don’t know how to start after purchasing a high-quality ISF Dumbbell Set? Don’t worry; you can practice this simple workout ideal for novices. Moreover, it only takes a few short sessions every week – making it ideal for busy entrepreneurs and mommies too. 

In this beginners weight workout, you need to:

  • Start with one set of 8-12 reps (repetitions). You should continue this for the first four weeks. Then, while making the weight choosing decision, make sure that you keep the last 2-3 reps difficult for yourself.
  • Slowly increase the reps to 12-15 in the next four weeks.
  • Consistent performance of this exercise weekly will make 15 reps easier. Once that happens, you can level up your workout by either choosing a heavier weight or adding another set of reps of the same amount.

Note: Throughout these exercises, make sure to take deep breaths and mainly exhale when you are performing the exertion part of the workout/exercise, i.e., the weight lifting phase.


Once you practice and adopt simple weight workout methods in your routine, you can easily count on your time-saving and high quality weights to ensure a healthy lifestyle for you. So now, what are you waiting for? Go grab the best quality ISF weights that fit your body and workout demands and fulfill those fit body desires! Happy Workout!

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